O&G Production Panel - ANP Public Data
Consume public ANP data in TIBCO Spotfire in an efficient and performative way, from their dataset downloaded and transformed by RPA, using the ANP Visualization Panel as a reference for project efficiency and calibration.

Geosciences Panel - Geostatistics
Multidisciplinary analysis in geosciences, with well profile analysis, reservoir characterization with deep learning, kriging (2D and 3D) and seismic (data loading, convolution, well mooring, attribute analysis), using custom graphics (Spotfire Mods or generated by R or Python).

Geosciences Panel - Seismic Visualization
Another feature from our panel in geosciences that relies on seismic visualization to O&G companies. It's possible to mash it up with another type of data for a complete data analyses solution.

Well Logs Visualization & Comparison
Project created in TIBCO Spotfire to find similar well logs in a given set of files. Once there is a proven similarity, the log is labeled for later removal.

Local Content Report to ANP
Project created with the purpose of filling in the local content report that is sent to the ANP on a quarterly basis. Billing data stored in corporate databases such as Oracle and SAP were loaded and related in TIBCO Spotfire.

ANP/BDEP - RPA Data Loading & Transformation
Project built in RPA (UiPath) with the purpose of downloading, cleaning and transforming public data from ANP/BDEP for further analytical processing. At the end of the process, a dimensional database was created for online consumption.

Real Time Asset Monitoring
Provide resources for decision makers to react proactively through the ability to analyze data in real time and the ability to run predictive models to increase decision efficiency. Data coming from OSISOft PI sensors.

Geosciences Panel - 3D Well Path Visualization and Cost
The idea behind this panel is to show the cost of drilling by type of bit as it is possible to visualize and select sections of the well drilling trace, completely in 3D.

SMS Panel
Panel created to monitor and analyze occurrences of SMS (Safety Management System) incidents between employees and third parties in the company's field facilities.

Insurance Risk Panel
Project developed aiming the risk analysis of dispatch an insurance policy. The analysis combine data from different web services also customer data profiling from SAP Hana and Hadoop.

Take a look in our YouTube channel for live demos